Expert Witness

We have over 45 years of waste industry experience
Sometimes things aren’t resolved the easy way. When that happens you may need someone on your side who really understands solid waste operations and safety.
Blue Ridge Services Montana, Inc. principal, Neal Bolton, is a registered engineer with 45+ years of industry-related experience. He has written several books along with hundreds of articles and technical papers related to solid waste operations and safety. But more importantly, he is a good communicator – a vital characteristic for an expert witness.
The facts of a case always tell a story. You need an expert who can articulate that story in a clear and simple way. Albert Einstein said, “If you can’t explain it to a 6-year-old you don’t really understand it yourself.” With decades of experience, teaching thousands of individuals about solid waste issues, Mr. Bolton is a storyteller …a good storyteller.
Unlike full-time expert witnesses who work in lots of industries, Mr. Bolton is an expert in solid waste operations and safety, who sometimes works as an expert witness.
If you need expert witness support, we can help
What’s more, our team has provided critical support on solid waste trials through 3D modeling, creation of scale models for courtroom demonstratives, Computerized Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling for wind flow and transport of litter and odors, and photographic / video examples of industry standard practice for operations and safety.
“If you want an expert who will say whatever you want, please hire someone else. I will always tell you the truth about your case – good or bad. When I render an opinion, I’ll back it up and stand by it.” – Neal Bolton
The best expert witnesses know what they know …and they know what they don’t know. Neal Bolton knows Solid Waste.

We Should Talk
Contact us if you need expert witness support.