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We Improve Your Operations

We have over 35 years of experience helping waste management facilities function more safely and efficiently.

Click below to learn how!

Operation at a higher level

For most people, the waste business is invisible. They put the can on the curb and the trash, recyclables, and green waste just goes away. Like the trash they process, solid waste operations are an invisible part of our culture. However, if you lift the lid and peek inside, you’ll see that the solid waste business…is BIG business. We believe the existing waste management industry does a great job of protecting human health and the environment – safely, efficiently, and invisibly. But we also believe there is room for improvement. 

If you share our vision that the waste industry can operate at higher levels of safety, operational efficiency, and environmental protection, then your team and our team…are on the same team. We should talk. 

Industries We Serve

We’ve worked with hundreds of clients at nearly 1,000 different waste facilities and systems. Our approach to solid waste operations can help improve safety, efficiency, and your bottom line.

Client Testimonials


Randall Camp – Public Works Director for the City of Helena

There’s a lot of different consulting firms out there that can look at one aspect or another, but very few that can look at a total operation from the residential end all the way to ultimate disposal in the landfill and the transfer station operation. It’s a big picture, not a lot of expertise out there in that, but Blue Ridge has it.


Mark Lawler- General Manager for Ventura Regional Sanitation District

…just in the techniques that they taught us and how they trained our staff to implement certain procedures on certain materials, we were able to essentially double the density, which means we essentially are extending the life of the landfill twofold, and that’s very valuable.


Cheryl Reese – Manager of Solid Waste for Lewis and Clark County, Montana

Neal was very professional, very knowledgeable, and he was able to work well with employees, staff, public officials, and the public. He came with a credibility, a trust factor that really made people pay attention to the report and the efficiencies that he recommended and encouraged them to make the changes that were needed. Lewis and Clark County Landfill saw several savings immediately.


Stephen Greely – former Deputy Director at the City of San Diego’s Environmental Services Department

BRS definitely exceeded our expectations in terms of what they delivered for us. I would say that the top three things were how we were able to improve the operation. The AUF increased dramatically, the costs went down dramatically-we saved about 20 percent of our costs, safety went up, morale went up and he came in on budget.


Brooks Stayer – former director of the Regional Waste Authority for Merced County Association of Governments

I believe the main reason for choosing Blue Ridge Services was because of that hands-on approach. You would have someone that can communicate with your operator and get in the machine and then show them how to push a certain type of waste and compact it, how to manage the customers, how to manage the traffic flow how to actually succeed in what you’re doing again.

Contact Us

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406.370.8544 (Montana)
805.461.6850 (California)

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