About Us
For more than 35 years, we’ve shown the hard-working folks in the waste business how to work smarter.
UPS is the largest trucking company in the United States. They operate approximately 119,000 delivery trucks worldwide. That’s a lot of trucks. But did you know that there are an estimated 136,000 garbage trucks in the U.S. alone, and we hardly notice. Like the trash they collect, garbage trucks are an invisible part of our culture.
However, if you lifted the lid and peeked inside, you’d see that the solid waste business …is a BIG business.
Waste collections is only the first step. That material must also be dumped, sorted, processed, recycled, transported, pushed, packed, and covered. These additional steps are, for the most part, invisible, along with the several hundred thousand professionals who make it all happen.
Those efforts aren’t invisible to us. We recognize the tremendous effort that goes into making this system work. What’s more, we’ve built our business around helping the waste management business work better.

We believe there is always room for improvement
We believe the existing waste management industry does a great job of protecting human health and the environment. But we also believe there is room for improvement. If you share our vision that the industry can operate at higher levels of safety, operational efficiency, and environmental protection, then your team and our team …are on the same team.
If you share our vision that the waste industry can operate at higher levels of safety, operational efficiency, and environmental protection, then we should talk.
Meet the team behind our expertise
Since 1988, we’ve shown the hard-working folks in the waste business how to also work smarter, safer, and more efficiently. With decades of experience on our team, our credentials are well known across the industry.
No matter where you work in the waste management industry, we can help your team improve safety and efficiency.

Our Innovations
If you’ve heard of these, you’ve heard of us, because these are just some of the many innovations our company has brought to the solid waste industry: