Samuel Bolton

Samuel Bolton
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Bolton started working for Blue Ridge Services as the project manager/foreman for Terra-Track. He has several years of experience in the field, dealing with tree and brush mitigation, managing crews, and working closely with the Mariposa Fire Safe Council on various fire mitigation projects. He has provided job site inspection, drone mapping, public outreach, and communication management with county staff.
Samuel was the Assistant Project Director for tree mortality projects in Mariposa and Madera County. He provided overall project oversite, including overseeing project planning, budget planning, selecting projects in order of priority, interfacing with contractors, communicating with members of the public, and coordinating with county officials. He is currently overseeing a project for Yosemite National Park and the Mariposa County Resource Conservation District to remove felled (hazard) trees within Yosemite National Park and take them to a local biomass plant to generate electricity.
Attended Merced College for landscape architecture
- FAA Certified Drone Operator
- The European Centre of Technology: Renewable Energy Management & Finance
- International Society of Arboriculture Professional Member
- American Forests Member
- Business Ethics – Advanced: Handling Employee Concerns.
- Business Ethics – Advanced: Ethical Leadership
- FEMA National Fire Academy: Q2100 Wildland Urban Interface Preparedness/ Mitigation
- FEMA National Fire Academy: Q0328 ICS Simulation Series
- FEMA National Fire Academy: Q0426 Introduction to Fire and EMS Supervision and Management
- National Wildfire Coordinating Group: NWCG S-190, Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior
- International Society of Arboriculture: Tree Worker Safety – Climbing
- International Society of Arboriculture: Tree Worker Safety – Rigging
- International Society of Arboriculture: Tree Worker Safety – Safety
- International Society of Arboriculture: Abiotic Disorders
- International Society of Arboriculture: Tree Identification Principles
- 360 Training: Skid Steer (Rubber-Tired & Track Loader) – Operator Safety Course
- 360 Training: Front End Loader – Operator Safety Course
- Excavation Safety (C)
- FAA: Part 107 Drone Pilot Certification.
- CPR First Aid Certified
- 2 years Coordination and Management of Tree Mortality Operations
- 4 years Managing Terra-Track (Working Field Manager, Lead Heavy Equipment Operator)
- 6 years Sheriff’s Department Search and Rescue
- Swift Water Rescue Technician
- Technical Rescue Instructor
- Search Drone Pilot