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Machine Maintenance – Lock-Out, Tag-Out* Quiz
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What should be secured with lockout tagout?
‘Only the most dangerous of repairs’
‘Anything that could harm you if it was unexpectedly started’
‘None of the above’
When can tagout devices be used in lieu of lockout devices?
‘Always – they are interchangeable’
‘Only if the tagout program provides equivalent protection’
What are some examples of articulating machines that should utilize lockout tagout?
‘Motor graders’
‘Wheel loaders’
‘All of the above’
What are some examples of lockout tagout equipment?
‘Electrical Plug Box’
‘Articulation Lock’
‘All of the above’
How should locks and tags be standardized?
‘All of the above’
Lockout Tagout only applies to heavy equipment, not to conveyor belts or bailers
Lockout Tagout is only for machines that run on fuel not electricity